If you give your consent to join the second phase of the ADNI4 study, the Blood Biomarker study (Why do I need to sign a consent form?), then you will be asked to have a blood draw at a Quest Diagnostics Patient Service Center near you. We will provide you instructions for how to make an appointment to have your blood drawn at a local Quest. Our study staff can help you make an appointment that works for your schedule. Visiting a Quest lab for a blood draw should take less than thirty minutes of your time, not including any travel to/from the Quest site. Remember to fast (do not eat or drink anything, but you can drink water) for at least 6 hours before your appointment. (See “what to expect” for more information).
At Quest, a person who specializes in drawing blood will use a very thin needle to draw about 30 milliliters (2 tablespoons) of blood from a vein in your arm. This will only take a few minutes.
After your blood draw, we will ask you to provide feedback about your experience by filling out a short online survey. After our team receives your blood sample, we will email you a link to select eGift Card(s) to thank you for your time. You can select eGift Cards from one or multiple vendors for a total of $70.
We may ask you to provide additional blood samples in the future. We may reach out to you by email or phone every 2 years to ask you to repeat the blood draw. If you provide additional blood samples in the future you will again be provided a $70 eGift Card. We will also ask you, by email or phone, to log in to the ADNI website every 6 months to answer questions about your health and take memory tests. As a Blood Biomarker study participant, if you do return to the ADNI website every 6 months and complete all study tasks, you will be provided additional payments in the form of $25 eGift Cards (one $25 eGift Card every 6 months, if all questionnaires and tests are completed). Completing these tasks every 6 months helps us understand changes to brain health over time.
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